Alzheimer's disease · Caregiver · Caregiving · Disclosure · Emerson · Grief

Assisted living, part 2 / September 13, 2006

Next Tuesday a nurse from the assisted living home will evaluate my mother here at the house. I spoke to her on the phone today to set the time. She then asked me what my mother knows about the arrangements. Nothing. We have brought it up as a possibility with her, but I have still… Continue reading Assisted living, part 2 / September 13, 2006

Alzheimer's disease · Caregiver · Caregiving · Emerson · Everyday · Mindfulness · Transcendence

More than this / June 25, 2006

Just a short post to, first, link to an excellent essay called How to Be Where You Are by my friend Gail, at Mom and Me Too, about mindfulness and how the daily acts of caregiving can enlarge what seems sometimes to be the very isolated life of the caregiver and her Ancient One. In her essay Gail… Continue reading More than this / June 25, 2006