Alzheimer's disease · Assisted living · Behavior · Caregiver · Memories

Visits / October 22, 2006

I don’t particularly enjoy visiting with my mother in the nursing home, but I dislike NOT seeing her even more. I worried for awhile that my presence was having a negative effect on her behavior, until I realized that there is no resolution to that particular worry. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t–in the end… Continue reading Visits / October 22, 2006

Alzheimer's disease · Caregiver · Caregiving · Grief · Nursing homes · Role reversal

Waiting / October 22, 2006

It’s Sunday morning and I’m still staying at my mother’s house. I’m trying to think of moving some of my belongings back to my house but I can’t until I know whether my mother will be able to move directly into AL from the nursing home. Part of this is just my natural caution and… Continue reading Waiting / October 22, 2006

Alzheimer's disease · Caregiver · Caregiving · Grief · Nursing homes · Role reversal

Transition, part 3 / October 15, 2006

My mother was transferred to the nursing home for rehab on Saturday. She was remarkably “with it” once we arrived. My sister and I were amazed. Of course there were spells of confused talk, but we stayed with her all afternoon, and then I returned for a couple of hours in the evening. I sat… Continue reading Transition, part 3 / October 15, 2006

Alzheimer's disease · Assisted living · Behavior · Caregiver · Caregiving · Grief · Hospitals

Transition, part 2 / October 12, 2006

My mother remains hospitalized, and we now know that she has a pulmonary embolism, no doubt the result of Deep Vein Thrombosis. Another reason to keep the legs moving. The good news is that she is doing quite well–she is alert and her skin has color. She’ll probably be in for another couple of days,… Continue reading Transition, part 2 / October 12, 2006

Alzheimer's disease · Assisted living · Caregiver · Caregiving · Grief

Transition, part 1 / October 10, 2006

“I have no idea what the day will bring.” That’s how I ended my last post, and the following day, unfortunately, did prove to be memorable. Seven hours in the emergency room with my mother, who had collapsed at 5 that morning. I couldn’t even sit her up, she was so weak, and I had… Continue reading Transition, part 1 / October 10, 2006

Alzheimer's disease · Behavior · Burnout · Caregiving · Language

Catherine Wheel / October 6, 2006

Today reminded me of why taking care of someone with Alzheimer’s Disease becomes unbearable. In short: there is no smooth trajectory downward–you wake up each morning with little expectation of what the day will bring. Things get horrible, then they suddenly improve for awhile. Then they get worse for a day, then you coast along… Continue reading Catherine Wheel / October 6, 2006