Aid & Attendance · Assisted living · Caregiver · Conversation · Visiting

Aid & Attendance, part 5 / September 15, 2007

I finally got the thick envelope from the Veterans Administration, and I felt like a high school senior, trying to guess the contents before opening it. The VA awarded my mother the full Aid & Attendance benefit, retroactive to the end of Dec. 2006.  Whew.  BUT because she has Alzheimer’s, they will designate her as… Continue reading Aid & Attendance, part 5 / September 15, 2007

Aid & Attendance · Assisted living · Caregiver · Caregiving · Depression · Financial stress · Grief · Nursing homes

Six months / June 23, 2007

My mother has now been living at Garden Manor for six months, and here is where we stand: On the Aid & Attendance front, I reapplied in late February–four months ago–and have not yet received a decision. I had originally sent the application to the Providence, RI, office of the VA, but received an acknowledgement… Continue reading Six months / June 23, 2007

Aid & Attendance · Alzheimer's disease · Assisted living · Caregiver · Caregiving · Financial stress · Medicare pt. D

Aid & Attendance, part 4 / December 9, 2006

I received a letter from the VA today, informing me that my mother had been denied the Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC), as I suspected she would be. I should explain that the application I submitted actually served two purposes: one, to apply for DIC, which is awarded based on service-related medical conditions; and, two,… Continue reading Aid & Attendance, part 4 / December 9, 2006

Aid & Attendance · Caregiver · Medicare · Medicare pt. D

Aid & Attendance, part 3, and Medicare Part D / November 17, 2006

Just an update on my Aid & Attendance application: I mailed it–certified mail with a signature receipt–about 3 weeks ago. Within a week of mailing I received a letter from the regional VA Office here in Providence telling me that the VA does NOT accept applications based on Power of Attorney. They claim that POA… Continue reading Aid & Attendance, part 3, and Medicare Part D / November 17, 2006

Aid & Attendance · Assisted living · Caregiver · Caregiving

Ifs and whens / September 2, 2006

Several times this past week I’ve heard myself telling someone that my mother would probably be moving into assisted living fairly soon. Each time the words startled me–as if I were hearing someone else saying them. I don’t know when the “if” became “when”–or even if it truly has become “when”–but a part of me… Continue reading Ifs and whens / September 2, 2006

Aid & Attendance · Alzheimer's disease · Assisted living · Caregiver · Caregiving · Disclosure · Financial stress

Aid & Attendance, part 2 / August 11, 2006

My first Aid & Attendance post received the following comment, which is definitely worth repeating here: Hey Deb, I read your post about trying to get VA benefits, and thought you mightlike to know about It’s the official benefits Website of the US Government and provides information on more than 1,000programs including scholarships. The site also… Continue reading Aid & Attendance, part 2 / August 11, 2006

Aid & Attendance · Caregiver · Financial stress

Aid & Attendance, part 1 / July 26, 2006

I am beginning the process of applying for a Veterans’ Administration benefit called, informally, Aid & Attendance. I hadn’t heard of it until a co-worker of mine told me about it. At that point I found a website that will “talk” me through the process of applying. I understand that you can hire individuals or organizations to… Continue reading Aid & Attendance, part 1 / July 26, 2006