Alzheimer's disease · Assisted living · Caregiver · Caregiving · Death · Disclosure

Assisted living, part 3 / September 26, 2006

The nurse from the assisted living facility visited us last Tuesday to evaluate my mother’s suitability for this type of living. I fretted deeply about this, despite trying to calm myself down by re-examining all my escape hatches (”This doesn’t mean she’ll have to move TOMORROW”, etc.). I eventually realized that my primary worry was… Continue reading Assisted living, part 3 / September 26, 2006

Alzheimer's disease · Caregiver · Caregiving · Disclosure · Emerson · Grief

Assisted living, part 2 / September 13, 2006

Next Tuesday a nurse from the assisted living home will evaluate my mother here at the house. I spoke to her on the phone today to set the time. She then asked me what my mother knows about the arrangements. Nothing. We have brought it up as a possibility with her, but I have still… Continue reading Assisted living, part 2 / September 13, 2006

Aid & Attendance · Alzheimer's disease · Assisted living · Caregiver · Caregiving · Disclosure · Financial stress

Aid & Attendance, part 2 / August 11, 2006

My first Aid & Attendance post received the following comment, which is definitely worth repeating here: Hey Deb, I read your post about trying to get VA benefits, and thought you mightlike to know about It’s the official benefits Website of the US Government and provides information on more than 1,000programs including scholarships. The site also… Continue reading Aid & Attendance, part 2 / August 11, 2006