Aid & Attendance · Assisted living · Caregiver · Conversation · Visiting

Aid & Attendance, part 5 / September 15, 2007

I finally got the thick envelope from the Veterans Administration, and I felt like a high school senior, trying to guess the contents before opening it. The VA awarded my mother the full Aid & Attendance benefit, retroactive to the end of Dec. 2006.  Whew.  BUT because she has Alzheimer’s, they will designate her as… Continue reading Aid & Attendance, part 5 / September 15, 2007

Assisted living · Burnout · Caregiver · Caregiving · Conversation · Grief

Meltdown / November 20, 2006

I was just over at the Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Forum where someone had posted a message about the caregiver’s stages. I think I passed from one stage to the next on Sunday night, in a matter of minutes. I had a meltdown right in front of my mother (which I had tried never to do)… Continue reading Meltdown / November 20, 2006

Alzheimer's disease · Caregiver · Caregiving · Conversation · Writing

A little introspection / July 30, 2006

Not much to report, other than the obvious change in my theme. I had been on the lookout for something with a yellow background and liked this one, which is called RetroFlowers. I like the overall balance of the elements and find the text to be much more readable than my last theme. I also liked… Continue reading A little introspection / July 30, 2006